Push button system for success, riches & a 24/7 Cash Machine…


Utter bollocks.

It is a cash machine for the people selling this ‘too good to be true’ push button system. Not for you.

Ask yourself one question.

If you found a ridiculous way to make money. Something so simple and easy.

Why the fuck would you tell anyone else?

It is selfish but true. You wouldn’t.

You would keep it to yourself & carry on making the money.

What you wouldn’t do is share it.

And if it was so amazing, why would you need to create some course to show other people how to do it?

Surely you would be better spending all that time (& it takes a lot of time as I am speaking from experience)….not creating the course & just carrying on doing this amazing ‘push button’ business yourself.

Why wouldn’t you just do that?

Oh yeah.

Because it is bollocks.
