Getting annoyed hurts who?…

This is something so simple in principle…but not so easy to put in practice.

Get this & you have just made your life a whole less stressful.

Someone pisses you off with something they have done or said.

You are livid.


Are they even aware that you are pissed off?

If not, that makes it even worse.

The anger & annoyance is hurting only you!

It is consuming you.

You have to turn it in on yourself.

Make it very clear that by you being annoyed that they are winning.

Imagine a tap in your head.

Turn it off.

Walk away.

Do not overthink it.

Just trust yourself that you know it is the right thing to do.

Turn it off.

Shut the door.

Lock it.

Whatever mental images you need to draw a line.

You are done.

Get on with your life.

You win.