When life gets in the way…

I very nearly didn’t do this blog today.

Quite frankly you could say I haven’t.

This is definitely not going to be a ‘life changing’ outlook on the World.

All I have done is forfil my habit of doing this every day.

So far I have said nothing.

But who is reading?

Today was a fairly stressful day mainly to do with thinking.

Dealing with the ‘maybe’ & the ‘might happens’.

Not facts.

Doesn’t stop the worry though. Annoyingly you have to go through all the thoughts to work out what you feel & how your feel.

Then you can deal with it to the best of your ability.

Still a bit shitty.

Still not resolved to 100%.

Is the best I am going to get I think.

Life doesn’t come with guarantees. None.

Then you die.

