“Life is a succession of lessons…” – Helen Keller.

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood“ Helen Keller American author, political activist, disability rights advocate & lecturer  She was also the first deaf-blind person to gain a bachelor of arts degree. Helen Keller – American Author 1880 – 1968 Born in Alabama as a healthy child. At the … Read more

New Start…

Nobody is reading this (at present) so it doesn’t really matter what I write – the point is that I am starting this again. I liked the idea of the daily blog (aka Seth Godin) but the reality is he is both way cleverer than I am & has far more interesting things to say … Read more

Getting annoyed hurts who?…

This is something so simple in principle…but not so easy to put in practice. Get this & you have just made your life a whole less stressful. Someone pisses you off with something they have done or said. You are livid. Seething. Are they even aware that you are pissed off? If not, that makes … Read more

When life gets in the way…

I very nearly didn’t do this blog today. Quite frankly you could say I haven’t. This is definitely not going to be a ‘life changing’ outlook on the World. All I have done is forfil my habit of doing this every day. So far I have said nothing. But who is reading? Today was a … Read more


Just do it now. Smile. It makes quite a difference. There is a shift internally. In my day to day life, I don’t think I do it enough. So I am now trying to remember to do it more. I am happy and enjoying life. I just need to remember to tell my face more. Smile. … Read more

A penny for your thoughts…

That is the correct way. You are offering something in return for something. It is a transaction (of sorts). So why do so many companies ask for your opinions in the form of surveys for nothing!? What makes it even worse is that they are asking you as customers to give up information (for free) … Read more

The daily blog & writer’s block…

Yeah, yeah, don’t panic I don’t consider myself a writer! That was just a turn of phrase. So now that I have started this daily blog thing this is the 1st day that I have sat here pretty much uninspired as to what to write. I have heard various people say they just start writing. … Read more