The World is bigger than the inside of your head…

I heard that in a film last night. I really liked it. It is so true. What do we really know? We think we know quite a lot but in reality how can we? There are so many countries across the World holding so many nationalities and cultures. We only know our little slice.

How much do you work to stand still?

Something that really hit home quite a few years ago was from a book that I read. The book had an intentional stupid/misleading title (see below). In the book, it outlined something that most people do. It is not actually something that I have really done but reading it just cemented my opinion. In short, … Read more

Are you collecting forced habits?

Habits we are told are a good thing. I would agree. Good habits. The habits of drinking every night or eating fat-filled ‘treats’ are not the habits I am referring to. They are very easy ‘bad’ habits, they don’t need to be forced. These are the things that you know are supposed to be good … Read more