A penny for your thoughts…

That is the correct way. You are offering something in return for something. It is a transaction (of sorts). So why do so many companies ask for your opinions in the form of surveys for nothing!? What makes it even worse is that they are asking you as customers to give up information (for free) … Read more

The daily blog & writer’s block…

Yeah, yeah, don’t panic I don’t consider myself a writer! That was just a turn of phrase. So now that I have started this daily blog thing this is the 1st day that I have sat here pretty much uninspired as to what to write. I have heard various people say they just start writing. … Read more

The search for one…

I am not sure how long I have been doing this. It has been like it subconsciously for quite a while. I try and find 1 ‘solution’ for 1 ‘problem’ and be done with it. Examples could be a specific hair gel or aftershave. Or a brand where I buy a certain thing – phone, … Read more

Done is better than perfect…

Get on with it. Start. Take the 1st step. Now. Preparation is a good thing, no question. Too much preparation, however, is counter-productive. It will cause you to pause or stop. To start considering other things that you hadn’t thought of. This brings up further obstacles that you hadn’t factored in. Then you get ‘Action … Read more

If you are easily provoked…

…then you are easily controlled. This is so true. People that are being provoked are everywhere! Including myself yesterday. Which lead to the last post. What other people think & do is of little concern to me. Everyone is on their own path and has an infinite amount of reasons for why they are heading … Read more

Where did all the time go?

At some stage. I can’t really pinpoint exactly. We did not have mobile phones. According to a recent study, on average, people spend about 2.5 hrs a day on theirs. Which is about 1,000 hours a year. Over 1 month of the year looking at your phone. What on earth were we doing before they … Read more

The World is bigger than the inside of your head…

I heard that in a film last night. I really liked it. It is so true. What do we really know? We think we know quite a lot but in reality how can we? There are so many countries across the World holding so many nationalities and cultures. We only know our little slice. nige.blog